how to blog
daily posts?
daily posts?
Interop everywhere
Stories need to surprise
Of a place and a time
They show up
More hope for the world
That's the goal
Nord Letter
Nord Letter #5 - Ghost Activitypub + Information Flow
I think the problems began the day I paid for a domain, the blog was no longer going to be at “”, I had paid to have the “wordpress” removed. And that changed things. This was not just going to be an interest any more, I was a
Fiction takes time. Anything from a short story to a novel, a thousand word something to a hundred thousand word something. It all takes time, effort, and patience. That’s the beauty of fiction. You sit down, and write. At the beginning, the fire drives you, the joy of having
Yesterday was the second day in a row, when I was ridiculed for the stuff I had put up on the blog. Okay, maybe ridiculed is not the best word to describe what happened. Let’s see. I had to go through some pretty harsh criticism, for the things I
For the past three days, Friday included, I have been making excuses. I’m tired. There’s no time left to do anything today. I should start off with fresh resolve in the new week, starting Monday. I had posted my last blog post on Thursday, which also, was my