
Photo by Joshua Earle / Unsplash

It is too early to be thinking about that. Though, if you know me, you know given the way things are going I’m confident of a happy ending. I’m optimistic that way. And hopeful.

Also I was thinking about the blog. There’s so much to do here at my new job you see. So I was thinking about my blog, precisely I was thinking ‘Why would anyone sane be following my blog?’ ‘Why would anyone be interested in the ramblings of someone who isn’t qualified, certified even, to be giving about advice?’

The thought came after a couple of people followed the blog a couple of days back (Thanks Timothy and 1SIGFRIDSSON! You people are awesome ) and another couple liked Calculations! (Jacke and James Thank you! You guys are awesome too!) I’m not sure why they did what they did. Really I don’t. I can only guess, maybe they liked the post, maybe they liked the blog, maybe they liked that I was writing about writing, or maybe they had some other reason. As I said, I can only guess. But one thing I can say for sure: it felt good. Really good. It does, when people you don’t physically know, come out of the blue and like what you did.

So where was I? Ah yes, why would you follow this blog?

Why indeed?

Because whether I succeed or not, you’d get valuable insights and lessons from my enterprise. Frankly, it’d be more beneficial for you if I failed because you know nothing teaches better or more than a failure. You’ll know what not to do.

P.S. I sincerely do hope you won’t be rooting for that though.

P.S.S. Seriously people don’t.

P.S.S.S All these blogs are pretty awesome. Jacke’s blog is seriously awesome!

P.S.S.S.S Some three thousand words in.