Riddell, Chris - Poems to Fall in Love with
An excellent collection of poetry on love with wonderful art

This is an excellent collection of poetry on love with wonderful art by Chris Riddell. Some poems, specifically ‘If you are an ancient Egyptian pharaoh by Hera Lindsay Bird’ became more than their words thanks to Chris’s work.

Some like ‘Wedding thoughts : All I know about love by Neil Gaiman’ spoke to me. It felt like I had written those lines. Or thought those feelings.

Some like ‘The taste of a biscuit by A. F. Harrold’ hit me like a ton of bricks. And I sat there book in hand for a minute, then two, then three … unable to continue.

Some like ‘Love after Love by Derek Walcott’ had such brilliant art. Where I loved the art much much more than the words.

That’s what poetry does. That why it’s different. It makes you feel things, as does all art. But it does it in the least amount of words. It makes you feel things you wish you had said. It makes you hear the things you could not have said, but new you wanted to.
This collection has plenty of those. And more.