Writing more vs less
Reducing vs habit
Writing more is better. Right?
But I love the elegance of Steph, or Derek or Craig. I love the elegance of single word urls: https://stephango.com/self-guarantee.
I love the idea of reducing thoughts to their very core. Of editing, of making things simpler.
I love the idea that there might be few things on my website, but they will mean more, somehow.
Writing lesser, more evergreen notes type of things is better. Right?
But I love the daily ritual of opening Daring Fireball, or Seth's blog. How good is that url, btw? https://seths.blog.
I love that you would have a reason to open my website each day.
I love the promise.
I love what it says about me. I am a writer, because I write. Every. Single. Day.
I love that it allows me to think.