Do what you want to!
Whatever you do, make sure that you are not doing what your father, mother or society wishes you to do because you don’t want to end up where you don’t want to be

“Whatever you do, make sure that you are not doing what your father, mother or society wishes you to do because you don’t want to end up where you don’t want to be”
I was talking to a friend the previous night, and as I said this, I realised the fallacy of the statement.
I hate predictability. Because you just can’t be sure, how the following moment enacts itself. It’s all probabilities.
Maybe this, maybe that.
Never this or that.
So, as I said what I said, I realised she couldn’t be sure that the place she ends up being would be not to her liking. Maybe she doesn’t like something right now, but that is not to say she won’t like the same thing after a year.
But it was as good as advice as any. I say this because I face a similar dilemma.
What it is that I should do? I enjoy writing, I know I do. But do I have the seriousness to go with it? I know it won’t pay well, so I’m looking for a job elsewhere too. I want to work core, but I’ve been advised to join the sprawling IT scene in India.
I came across an excellent quote today. It said, “It’s not what you do once in a while, it’s what you do day in and out that makes the difference”
It is a great quote really. Sums it all up beautifully in a single sentence. Why I need to write daily. Why I need to set regular targets and beat them.
Meanwhile, I have prepared a brief overview for the book and written down the first chapter. More updates will follow.