Writing more vs less
Reducing vs habit
Collected essays by Sajal Choudhary.
Reducing vs habit
Interop everywhere
iOS18 + MacOS15 + WatchOS11
Good typography conveys emotion
About Fundamental Attribution Error + Be kinder
LLMs are AI models trained on the vast dataset of the internet. This allows them to predict, based on the earlier word, what is the most likeliest next word.
I think the problems began the day I paid for a domain, the blog was no longer going to be at “”, I had paid to have the “wordpress” removed. And that changed things. This was not just going to be an interest any more, I was a
Fiction takes time. Anything from a short story to a novel, a thousand word something to a hundred thousand word something. It all takes time, effort, and patience. That’s the beauty of fiction. You sit down, and write. At the beginning, the fire drives you, the joy of having
There was a moment, between when I had picked up my luggage, and when I began looking for a cab, that I felt this sense of loss, this sadness. I had just returned from one of the four or so trips I need in a year to function. I was
Whatever you do, make sure that you are not doing what your father, mother or society wishes you to do because you don’t want to end up where you don’t want to be
My first memories of being captured, on a photo film that is, consist of me being rushed to the terrace, followed by a change of clothes and a brief touch up, which is followed by introduction of two more kids almost the same age and then one of my brothers clicking the picture.
Writers are magicians; and inventors of time machines, and a lot of other stuff too.