The value of consistency
Discipline and repetition
I wrote about how hard work trumps talent every time. There is an additional element to it, of discipline and repetition.
I was doing yoga today, like all mornings. There are things I can’t do yet, like being able to do forward fold, properly, in one smooth motion.
When I start, my fingers are left some 2-3 inches from the floor. Then, I stretch, bend myself more, and touch the floor.
There was a time, when I started doing yoga that I could not do this. No matter how hard I tried. I kept at it though. Every day.
I can see the progress now. The forward bend is just one example. I can feel the flexibility in other movements I do too.
I can feel that in my writing too. This act of publishing something every day. Of writing daily. It has changed things. It has made writing easier. It has made the translation from thought to written word easier.
Doing something consistently, makes you better at that something.