Should you pay for search?

There are two ideas or thoughts here.

1. Some things are common good/public utilities.

They should be free or subsidised. Governments may own and run these services. Some things may not start this way, but may become so in due time. Things like internet, public transport, networks.

2. If quality information requires you to pay that means there’s no equality in the information that people are getting.

There will be no shared reality. We are already living in bubbles, which is great for the corporations. Not so much for us.
Quality journalism, search is going behind subscriptions and paywalls. I know it’s either that or ads. But we have to find a solution.
Not every one can afford to pay 5 dollars a month to access NYT, Wired or TheVerge. Or run Kagi for an ad-free and quality experience.

the future

There has to be enough space in the market for a, a Google and a Kagi. How do we ensure money to the journalists and artists outside of billionaire owners? I don’t know.