Coalescing into my son
I’ve heard earlier about how people in a marriage change (transform, coalesce, merge) into something which is a mixer of something different, something more than what they are individually.
Most of these changes happen gradually. One thing here, the other there. I’ve started cleaning the kitchen counter tops at night, almost every night. I did not care about this earlier. One reason why I’m living in the flat I am living in, is because it has glass top induction stove. In my old apartment, we had left it dirty for so long that there was a nice layer of muck on top of the stove. We worried we would have to pay someone to clean it up. In the end what worked was scratching it away with a butter knife.
These changes happen gradually, and they happen both ways.
A thing that I did not realise happened or I did not read about it anyway, is what happens when you have a kid.
There is a very funny, very adorable thing that happens these days. When talking to me, Prerna calls me Savya first, and then corrects herself quickly, calling me Sajal after that. When talking to Savya, she sometimes calls him Sajal, then Savya.
I’ve become Savya-Sajal.