Rethinking what and how I write on this website

What do I write now

  • Things that I learned (the source could be anything from books to articles)
  • My observations or experiences
  • Book reviews (mini)
  • Poems
  • Stories

The struggle

I wrote earlier about maybe posting daily. I have had that constant itch to have a link-blog. To just share things I found on the web. I partly scratch that itch by posting those things as part of every nordletter. But nord-letter comes out once a week, and there is an immediacy effect to some of these news things.

This is what Twitter type thing is for, I suppose. But I don't want to just post anything on the socials. Everything I create should ideally be here.

Hence, I find myself thinking again about the things I write. And how would the structure for sharing things look like?

Should there be a daily post, where I can put these links and thoughts. A link-blog is not that I guess. It is one post per link. The problem is that I don't want to publish for the sake of publishing. And that is the struggle, I guess. The balance between wanting to share links and filling the site up with stuff. That's the balance I have to find.

About categories

In Ghost, we can use custom routes to create content collections. This allows for filtering posts based on tags. Which is what I have done here. The original aim I had was to create a custom landing page, but that requires a higher tier of Ghost Pro, or for me to self-host. The costs don't make sense though. So I put that on a back-burner.

But I use the same collections to basically have menu items on the site. I am thinking now about the types of things I write about and whether I need blog (or linkblog) in the menu.

Everything is a blog post. I don't think I need to create a collection for that. It's the default. Poems, sure. Of course, the main thing is the RSS collections. So maybe I will just remove the menu item and keep the custom collection.

The problem (feature?) with collections is that it creates this inherent filter. Anything you add in a collection is removed from the root collection. So if I click on See All on the home page its all wonky.

Maybe I could just remove the collections and just use tags. All tags have feeds. The thing I would lose is the nice url I get with collections.