How to use habituation to your benefit
Recognise. Breaks in good. No breaks in bad.
Habituation, i.e. becoming used to something can have both good and bad affects.
If you're doing something you enjoy, taking breaks from it, helps you enjoy it for longer. It helps you appreciate the thing more. I have done this many times in the past, when I would listen to a song on repeat till I got sick of it. It makes sense to create breaks. To avoid getting used to a good thing.
On the other hand, if you do not like doing something, it is better to do it in one go. Household chores, meetings, anything you don't want to do. It is the same concept. If you do it in one go, you feel reduced pain. If you take breaks, you never get accustomed to it. Every time the pain feels fresh.
The challenge of course is to recognise habituation. To recognise if it is a good thing or bad. And then take action.
I do not remember when I read about this originally, but came across this again on Wired.