Becky Chambers - Record of a Spaceborn Few
The third book in the wayfarer series

This is the third book in the Wayfarer series. Becky continues to explore further people and stories in this universe. This time concentrating on the Fleet, the descendants of the first humans who left a dying planet.
After a closed and common orbit which was written from the POV of two characters, this one is from the POV of 4-5 characters from the fleet. That made it a little harder to follow, in the beginning. And even, a little bit through the middle.
We follow Tessa, Ashby's sister who chose to stay behind while Ashby left the fleet. Kip a young lad who is struggling to fit and wants to leave the fleet. Sawyer an outsider who wants to make the fleet his home. Eyas who is doing what she always wanted to do, but is dissatisfied. And finally, Isabel, an archivist, who is hosting a Harmagian, and explaining to them the ways of the fleet.
The book was funny, entertaining, moving, like all Becky books are. There is a theme to how she writes and what she writes about. Themes of not knowing what to want, about growing up, about just existing.
One more thing about these novels is the inclusivity with which Becky writes. Mostly with how pronouns are used. I think that's important and good.
All of those themes were touched upon. I enjoyed this book very much.