writing is
Nobody woke me up, I'm up any ways!
Ok, doesn’t exactly look like this! Here in [Delhi](http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=28.61,77.23&spn=1.0,1.0&q=28.61,77.23 (Delhi)&t=h "Delhi") winters have finally arrived, and I happen to have a hot
writing is
Ok, doesn’t exactly look like this! Here in [Delhi](http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=28.61,77.23&spn=1.0,1.0&q=28.61,77.23 (Delhi)&t=h "Delhi") winters have finally arrived, and I happen to have a hot
The thing with rumors is, they can be true some times. The one doing the rounds these days is regarding the end semester examinations. It goes somewhat like this: ‘End-sems start November 16th’. Hence the need has arrived to go into hibernation for the month, half a month in pre-exam
How often does the following happen to you? 1. You go to sleep 2. After a certain time period you wake up, distraught. (the said time period varies from occasion to occasion; from minutes into the sleep till the very end of your sleep cycle) 3. You find your specs,
I’m into the Bhagavat Gita. There was a realization, like always; which led to it. It was not a time-specific realization or for that matter an event-triggered realization. It was a rather general realization, something that I had thought over more than once earlier. It involved religion. During the
It was a day, in every aspect as usual as one of my days could be. I was sitting in the metro with a couple of my friends not doing much other than cussing at the ridiculousness of the syllabus, the job scenario, the fact that the formidable ghissu batch
I love fiction! I enjoy reading fiction; I love writing fiction. Why? Fiction, grants freedom! You are provided with an empty canvas to paint on; voids to grow colosseums from. There’s so much of everything to fiddle with! Both the imaginable and the unimaginable find a level pegging here.
Another wave of soapy oceanic water crashed against the jagged spiky rocks. It was the end of town limits, end of earth, beginning of ocean. You could almost always find warm water livestock stuck in the rocks, but you never could catch any. This was the nature of things around
And then she said, “You’ll be the first one to answer the questions tomorrow” There was a bit of a smile on her face. I looked at her with all the resolution, a 10 year old me could manage, “Yes mam!”, I said, wiping off my tears. – To all
Ripples of waves travelling through a medium seemingly so very empty; basic yet prevalent. Nature speaks through sounds, all sorts of it. Long before the dawn and long after the dusk of mankind sound will linger. Instruments will be conceived, notes written, music produced; sounds will endure. One of the
The biggest contribution, the hugest impact, (positive that is) that we, humans (as a race) have been able to have on the world in my view is MUSIC. Apart from that, there’s nothing that will live through; it’ll all just fade, decay and eventually die. There’s been
There’s light. It’s bright. I’m standing in a row. It stretches from one infinity to another. I mean, I think it does. You’re not supposed to peep. So, all that I’m able to see is a head, the back, the back of the legs. I’
Sorry mum!! 🙂