30 day challenge
30 day challenge
30 day challenge
Day TwentyTwo: Parallel
30 day challenge
Day TwentyOne: Sentinels of the Border
30 day challenge
Day Twenty: Fog
30 day challenge
Day Nineteen: People
30 day challenge
Day Eighteen: Metro
The streets of Chandni Chowk, Delhi.
30 day challenge
Day Seventeen: Tarmac
On a highway to hell?! Or to heaven?!
30 day challenge
Day Sixteen: In Death
In death, he gets shitted on by pigeons! And well, not many of us get a statue.
30 day challenge
Day Fifteen: Voice
Why did we invent language? To diminish boundaries, or the other way around? All religion is serene; It’s we the people, who’ve sort of forgotten Why we created religion in the first place. It’s us, always been us, Who downgraded one religion, or the other; Ours was

30 day challenge
Day Fourteen: The Hungry Man/Dog
He looked hungry. He did. But he had no money. He could not buy. He could not eat. And so he sat, dejected at first Then he grew in hope As he saw others just like him. Maybe worse. Hope. Then came the man, the big man. He bought a
30 day challenge
Day Thirteen: Fall
My infatuation with the university campus knows no bounds!

30 day challenge
Day Twelve: The Lord in the mountains
He’s gone; the Lord He has left. He’s in the mountains, alone. He’s not looking down, nor up. Not right or left. He’s looking inside. Looking. He’s smiling. He’s sad, and angry. But not happy. He’s smiling, the Lord. He has left. He’