Seeing it for the first time

I follow Apple related news across multiple sources. There were things I used to do which I do not anymore, like watching Rene Ritchie on YouTube. There were others as well, but I just don’t watch YouTube as much anymore.

I used to watch the product announcements. I haven’t seen the announcements for the iPhone 16e and the MacBook + iPad event before that. I am getting tired of the format to be honest. It’s an ad. I don’t want to watch a 30 min ad.

A few things that have remained are ATP, MacRumours, and Daring Fireball.

In ATP #628, the hosts were talking about the rumoured CAD renderings for the iPhone 17s and I thought of two things:

  1. The Android/Pixel people will say, see we had the better design since so many years. I liked the Pixel design, so I don’t mind where this seems to be going.
  2. Every physical new thing about the iPhone gets leaked so far out ahead and dissected by the media that there does not seem to be any surprising thing left for the announcements.

I had this same feeling while watching the iPhone keynote last year. That there was nothing new being announced here. And I had that feeling then that maybe I should stop reading/listening to all these people and all these rumours.

How different would it feel to see this for the first time? How much nicer?

I guess I would never know.