How I use Obsidian

The first time I read Kepano's - How I use Obsidian, I thought, great, but not for me.

The second time I read Kepano's - How I use Obsidian was yesterday. And yesterday, was also the day I overhauled my vault. Not completely, I need to add the category property to all the notes.


  • Dataview for overview notes
  • Calendar for quickly looking at past notes
  • Lumberjack for taking quick notes and logs for daily notes

Folders and Organisation

I don't like folders, either. I don't like the idea of organising things before having written the thing I want to write. That said, I have 10 folders right now, a majority of which are admin related.

These are the folders I have:

  • Attachments
  • Clippings
  • Templates
  • Days (for daily notes)
  • YearEndReviews
  • BooksRead
  • TechNotes
  • Art
    • Ideas
    • Poems
  • BooksWritten
  • Inbox

The life cycle of a note

Every note starts in the Inbox. Once I'm done with it, I move it to the root folder.
If it is a poem, a story or a idea for a story it goes to the Art folder.


  • Nordletter (For the newsletter I send out weekly)
  • NewNote (For every note I type)
    • Three properties: aliases, tags, category
  • DailyNote
  • Source (For books)

How I capture information

Everything I find interesting goes in the daily note. If something comes as something longer, I create a unique note.
Most of the writing I do, happens on phone.

Book Notes

  • I create a note for any book I start reading.
  • Any quotes I like, I directly type to this note
  • If I type a note I write, related to that book, I will add it as a link.

Publishing to the web

Replace all internal links with links from things I've put on the website earlier.