About the Pareto principle

Few people invest the time needed to be good at something. This dynamic is known by many names: the 80/20 rule, the Pareto principle.

The Pareto Principle, states

For many outcomes, the 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the effort.

Pareto wrote about it originally, in terms of wealth, showing that 80% of land was owned by 20% of the population in the kingdom of Italy.

There are many examples of this principle in management, healthcare, tech, like:

  1. 10% of Twitter Users Are Responsible for 92% of Tweets
  2. Microsoft said about 20% of bugs caused 80% of errors

Often, we might just be doing things, without a baseline or desire to get better, without a training plan. You might be playing chess, without spending any time trying to learning some starter moves.

We can use this principle to our benefit to get ahead in life. Because, most people do not put in the effort.

Some practical to-dos that are interesting to me:

  1. Put myself out in the world more. Talk to more people. Listen to more, diverse stories. A benefit of this would be by doing this, I would enable luck.
  2. Put in the effort (read/train) to get better at the craft of writing.