I figured out what to do
I figured out what to do. Yesterday, was me thinking out loud about how to write on this website. I had originally wanted to edit the post before it went live, with details about what I planned to do.
I did not figure out what to do yesterday.
I had three options basically:
- Publish each thing I wanted to link to as a separate post. Like how John does it at Daring Fireball.
- Create a page for everyday and add links and thoughts to it throughout the day. Like how Dave does it.
- Don't change anything. Continuing posting as I have.
So, I decided to go with the fourth option. Which is in fact a bit of regression in terms of how it will work. I used to add links to my daily notes in Obsidian and combine that as part of NordLetter.
I will start doing that. These links that I collect through the day, I will append to the blog I write.
This is the inaugural edition. Enjoy!
Look at this
Den Delimarsky - Be A Property Owner And Not A Renter On The Internet
I wrote about building a bridge to your corner of the web. This is a similar post. The thing that spoke to me specifically was Den's disclaimer that this is meant for people who are proficient with technology. So often, we do not think about this, about our bias, our background, our knowledge. This could be a post on it's own. Maybe it will.
I am rich and have no idea what to do with my life
So now I’m in Hawaii. I’m learning physics. Why? The reason I tell myself is to build up my first principles foundation so I can start a company that manufactures real world things. It seems plausible, but I’m learning to just accept that I am happy learning physics. That’s the goal in and of itself. If it leads to nothing, that’s ok.
Yuval Noah Harari - Dictatorships Will Be Vulnerable to Algorithms
The Russian Constitution makes grandiose promises that “everyone shall be guaranteed freedom of thought and speech” (Article 29.1) and “censorship shall be prohibited” (29.5). Hardly any Russian citizen is naive enough to take these promises seriously. But bots don’t understand doublespeak. A chatbot instructed to adhere to Russian law and values might read that constitution, conclude that freedom of speech is a core Russian value, and criticize the Putin regime for violating that value. How might Russian engineers explain to the chatbot that though the constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the chatbot shouldn’t actually believe the constitution nor should it ever mention the gap between theory and reality?
Beyond RAG: Building a Knowledge Management System That Enhances Rather Than Replaces Thought
A zettelkasten shouldn't be a mirror of the world's knowledge - it should be a reflection of your understanding of that knowledge.
The core problem is that you’re deciding for yourself what the company needs instead of doing your job. Isn’t it your job to make your team run smoother? No! Your job is to execute the mission of your company’s leadership. It is better to execute that mission at 60% efficiency than to spend all your time increasing efficiency in general (or even worse, to execute some other mission at 100% efficiency). Why? For two main reasons: first, you’re inevitably going to burn out, which will be bad for everyone; second, it’s better to let your team get used to operating at the base efficiency level of the company instead of artificially removing friction for a brief period.
Should you never do glue work? No, you should do glue work tactically. That is, you should do this kind of extra work for the projects you lead - the projects whose success you’re accountable for - in order to make sure they succeed. You won’t be rewarded for the glue work specifically, but you will be rewarded for the success of the project. For other projects, you should just do your regular job