Becky Chambers - A closed and Common Orbit

I finished reading the second book in the Wayfarer series - A Closed and Common Orbit. The book follows the events in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. It does not however include the characters of the long way.
We follow the AI Lovelace/Sidra as she gets on with life in a new body (the kit) outside of the ship she was supposed to reside on. Pepper, the tech from long way helps Lovelace along her journey, in figuring out her place in the world.
We also follow Pepper/Jane as she escapes the hellscape that was her home-planet.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the novel. I am on a bit of a Becky Chambers reading spree, starting with A Psalm for the Wild-Built. This novel does not disappoint either.
This is not a typical space opera, the universe is ending type of sci-fi novel. The stakes are lower. You care what happens, of course. It's fun. I enjoyed reading a novel where the AIs are not all trying to kill all the humans around.
It is only toward the very end where Becky (through Sidra) goes on a bit of a monologue, explaining the theme of the book. The want for purpose, which all sentients have, which Sidra also has, but not. Not really.