30 day challenge
Sajal Choudhary

30 day challenge
Day Ten: Faces
30 day challenge
Day Nine: Reflections
What do you do when you see your reflection; Not in the water, or a mirror either. But In a person. Its almost like seeing a ghost. What do you do then? Reach out? Try to grab it? Talk to it? Or do you scamper off in your closet? Scared.
30 day challenge
Day Eight: Martyrdom
They died here that day, Died. They did not do a noble deed, No. They were not martyrs, They were victims. Of some general’s desire To implement, to enforce, to scare. They were not martyrs. Had you told them, they’d be killed for gathering in the bagh They

30 day challenge
Day Seven: Questions
Is life all questions and no answers? And do the answers even matter? Aren’t questions all that propel us? Make us get up in the morning and strive; harder and fiercer A hope that there’ll be answers at the end of the tunnel. But there’s no answers
30 day challenge
Day Six: Green
The glorious fields of Punjab
30 day challenge
Day Five: The Girl with the Bazooka
That’s what you do on HOLIday!
30 day challenge
Day Four: The Transporter
30 day challenge
Day Three: Spiderman
30 day challenge
Day Two: The Lone Patch
There was a time when it was all green here, That time is long gone now, There’s all but green here now! Civilisations are born past, skulls, murders and cries I know, Those cries, those skulls, they do have a purpose you know. Purpose? you say. Purpose, yes. To

30 day challenge
Photography Challenge: Day One
Disclaimer: This is not an original idea. I’m not sure if anybody can claim to be the sole-proprietor of it either. So, what happened was this. I was in the middle of my examinations; this was actually the second exam but since I’m in the final year and

Photographic memory
My first memories of being captured, on a photo film that is, consist of me being rushed to the terrace, followed by a change of clothes and a brief touch up, which is followed by introduction of two more kids almost the same age and then one of my brothers clicking the picture.